Supporting Armenian civil society in monitoring the implementation of CEPA in Armenia

Project is supported by EU


CEPA in Brief

The Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between Armenia and the European Union (EU) is a significant bilateral agreement that aims to deepen political and economic ties between Armenia and the EU. Here are the key points:

  • Signing and Implementation: CEPA was signed on November 24, 2017, and entered into force on March 1, 2021.

  • Objectives: The agreement aims to strengthen democracy, the rule of law, and human rights in Armenia. It also focuses on economic modernization and growth, enhancing trade relations, and fostering sustainable development.

  • Economic Cooperation: CEPA provides a framework for improving trade relations by reducing barriers and aligning regulations and standards between Armenia and the EU. This includes intellectual property rights, competition policy, and public procurement.

  • Political and Institutional Reforms: The agreement encourages reforms in governance, anti-corruption measures, judicial independence, and public administration. It also promotes civil society engagement and political dialogue.

  • Sectoral Cooperation: CEPA covers various sectors such as energy, transport, environment, and climate change. It seeks to enhance cooperation in these areas through shared standards, practices, and innovation.

  • Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: A crucial aspect of CEPA is its emphasis on human rights, ensuring that Armenia aligns with international human rights standards and promotes fundamental freedoms.

  • Benefits: The agreement aims to benefit Armenian citizens by improving governance, economic opportunities, and social standards. It also seeks to attract European investments and enhance Armenia’s integration into the global economy.

Overall, CEPA represents a comprehensive framework for Armenia’s partnership with the EU, focusing on political, economic, and social dimensions to support Armenia’s development and modernization efforts.