Supporting Armenian civil society in monitoring the implementation of CEPA in Armenia

Project is supported by EU


The Project

Support to CEPA Monitoring, Implementation and Communication ENI/2023/442-873


CEPA, the Comprehensive Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the EU  and Armenia signed in November 2017, entered into force in March 2021.

It provides a framework for Armenia and the EU to work together to strengthen democracy, rule of law, human rights and includes legislative approximation in important sectors. The overall aim is to enhance regulatory environment in Armenia and provide for exchange of best practices between the EU and Armenia. It also provides a framework to strengthen economic cooperation, services to citizens social and sustainable development.

The CEPA implementation is monitored jointly by the RAM Government and the EU on a regular basis and in accordance of a roadmap, in which 23 institutions take part. The CSO are also playing a key role in monitoring CEPA implementation.

PROJECT START: 3 April 2023

DURATION: 48 months

BENEFICIARY: Deputy Prime Minister’s office on behalf of the Government of RA

CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Delegation of the European Union to Armenia

This project is implemented by GOPA PACE Partners in Action for Change and Engagement

11 Movses Khorenatsi ,  apt. 10 Yerevan, Armenia

COMPONENT 1 Dedicated to provide horizontal support to Armenia's capacity for forward strategic planning, programming and monitoring. The project will promote strengthened analysis of development issues and policy dialogue, monitoring and evaluation through providing of expertise to the Government of Armenia in all areas which have provisions that imply approximation of Armenian legislation with EU acquis.

COMPONENT 2 The scope is to provide support to the strategic communication of the Government of Armenia and the general communication of the EUD. The assistance to the Armenian government is based on a long-term, strategic approach and aims at creating a sustainable and functional framework for the overall communications of the GoA, while the support to the EUD is oriented towards ensuring smooth and impactful delivery of the general communication activities of the EUD. 

COMPONENT 3 The scope is to provide support to the Armenian civil society in monitoring the implementation of CEPA and advocating for inclusive, rights-based, and evidence-based policies in line with CEPA commitments. A CEPA Civil Society digital centre will provides access to wider civil society resources. Capacity building will be provided to CSOs on communication and resilience to disinformation and manipulation.